Old Writings

Social Media

This page is still a work-in-progress. For a more complete archive, you can view the old writings and social media sections above.

Throughout his career, Edd Gould managed many different blogs, journals, and social media profiles. Belong you can find archives of each of these in order from when they were started.

Keep in mind that a few of these archives contain broken image links. We’ve restored what we can, but inevitably there were some that were unrecoverable.


Edd Gould’s LiveJournal

Edd Gould’s personal LiveJournal where he would update the world on his life and projects. Edd used this very infrequently, only making a total of 25 posts.

Active from May 2004 to October 2005.


Edd Gould’s Blog.com

Blog.com (now Blogger) was a service that allowed anybody to create their own personal blogs. This served as Edd’s main blog for his work until it was replaced by a new one on Eddsworld.co.uk.

Active from February 2007 to February 2008.


Eddsworld.co.uk Blog

Hosted on the main Eddsworld website, this was one of Edd’s longest lasting blogs. It replaced Edd’s Blog.com page and was mainly used to update people on his projects.

Active from February 2008 to October 2011.


Edd Gould’s Formspring

Formspring was a question-and-answer website that allowed you to submit anonymous or public questions to an individual and receive a response. This was one of the last social media platforms Edd was active on. This is a very incomplete archive.

Active from February 2010 to March 2012.